ZTI partner of TechValley
The Noord-Holland (Noord) region has a large number of innovative machine builders. They all play an important role in the development of the Smart Industry. Despite the wide variety of products and markets, these companies have a number of similar challenges and issues in the field of "smart" machine building. Reason for ZTI to make an active contribution to TechValley.
In addition to promoting the technical industry in Noord-Holland, TechValley has also set itself the goal of better aligning education and the working field. Because we at zti think that it is important to interest students in technology, we offer them internships and graduation projects within the company. Projects are supported in a practical way by TechValley, so that intended innovations can come about better and faster.
Project: Automatic loading of machines for the fruit processing industry
We know that the fruit processing industry is waiting with urge for an installation that is able to position fruit into the machine. Reason for us to explore the possibilities by making use of cameras and robotics. Vision technology detects the fruit and assesses it for the right position and suitability. Products that don’t meet the specifications are removed. Approved products are carefully placed with a robotic arm in the correct position in the machine. Students and graduates are involved in this project and thus learn practical applications of vision and robotics technology.
TechValley is a joint venture that originated on the initiative of more than 35 Noord-Holland machine builders (the TechnoSpitsen network), Koninklijke Metaalunie and FME. Partners in TechValley are Inholland Alkmaar University of Applied Sciences and Noord-Holland Noord Development Company.
This project is co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development and the Province of Noord-Holland.